S&P Futures

S&P_ monthly remains up with 1525-1531 as the next targets up.
weekly also up with the next target up of 1472.

downward time pressure begin the week of September 17th.
the support level of 1398 must hold to maintain the uptrend.

Daily- the next target up is 1492.
respect this uptrend but expect some pullbacks.  1450 would trigger a short entry to 1422.
the long consolidation area around 1390 that took place in august is the likely area to see substantial buying come in should the pullback get extended.

what could happen? the hedge funds in need of performance, buy enough to get the DOW 30 to it’s all time high of 14,198. we have come from 12,035 in jun to 13, 593 in sept. what’s another 600 points.  most likely a pullback first.