S&P 500 Futures

Market Summary:

The 10yr yields decline to the 3.65%. Copper breaks out of the downward channel.  Gold breaks above the consolidation to new highs. Silver stopped out of short and moves above the downtrend lines.

Crude signals a new long, butt lack volume.  Natural gas continues the move up, but at resistance.

The US 30yr Treasury Bond  rallied on interest rate cut prospects, but now in consolidation.

The US Dollar futures moving sideways in a wide channel.


S&P 500 Futures   #ESZ24  Dec Contract

Monthly –Monthly bar closes above the prior month high. Trade pressures remain up. Volumes closed the month of August as bullish.  The next target up 6019.  A break below 5473 would confirm any weekly move lower. The next target down then would be 5126.

Weekly – The weekly closes up, engulfing the prior down bar.  Trade pressures are now near the neutral zone. Volumes remain bullish.  Closed back above the prior long entry trigger at 5525. The next target up is 5899 (new highs).  A close below 5451 would confirm any daily move lower.

Daily – Flat. In the move up from 5581 on 9/11.  Trade pressures are up.  Volumes are bullish.  The next target up is 5729. The expected overbought level has risen to 5644. A close below  5646 would signal lower. The expected oversold level declines to 5392.

[9-16-24:The ESU24 September long contract closed]


Navellier Top 5 Stocks – This Top 5 model portfolio begins each year at $100,000. The Top 5 Growth stocks are tracked throughout each year. This portfolio is marked to the market and is restarted at $100,000 for the 2024 year.

The Navellier portfolio stocks closed down 35% for the 2022 Year.  The Navellier portfolio stocks closed up 17% for the 2023 Year.

Portfolio stock values for 2024.  The portfolio value moves up to $141,000. The Year-to-Date portfolio performance is now up 41%.

[The author may be long or short any of these issues mentioned]