
#copperfutures #goldfutures #silverfutures


Weekly – Still in the December 2023 uptrend. Trade pressures are rising just above the neutral zone. Volumes are neutral.

Daily – Flat. In the new move up from from 4.58.  Trade pressures are down. Volumes are bullish.

Move up not confirmed by the daily. looking for dips to test the LML at 4.42.  The expected oversold levels have risen to 4.35.

A second close above 4.58 would signal higher.  The expected overbought levels have risen to 4.73.



Weekly – In the December 2023 uptrend.  Trade pressures are now up.  Volumes are bullish.

Daily – Flat. testing the top of the bull flag at 2420.  Trade pressures are up.  Volumes remain bullish.

The next target up is 2467. The expected overbought level has risen to 2432.

A close below 2389 would signal lower. The expected oversold level has risen to 2337.



Weekly – Still in the December 2023 uptrend.  Trade pressures remain in the neutral zone.  Volumes remain  bullish.

Daily –Flat. In a correction down to 30.62. Trade pressures are up, but declining.  Volumes are now bearish.

Possible lower high. The next target down is 29.85. Oversold levels are 29.61.

A close above 31.30 would signal higher.  Overbought levels are 33.12.