
#copperfutures #goldfutures #silverfutures


Weekly – Still in the December 2023 uptrend. Trade pressures are rising to the neutral zone. Volumes are bullish.

Daily – Long. In the move up from from 4.40.  Trade pressures are up. Volumes are bullish.

Got the long entry at 4.40. The next target up is 4.71. The expected overbought levels have risen to 4.64.

Need a close below 4.41 for a new short entry. The expected oversold levels have risen to 4.34.

[7-1-24: Long the HGU24 at 4.40. Set the SL at 4.38.]

[7-2-24: Raise the SL to 4.40.]

[7-5-24: Raise the SL to 4.60.]

[7-8-24: Stopped out overnight at the 4.60 level.]



Weekly – In the December 2023 uptrend.  Trade pressures are down, but rising.  Volumes are bullish.

Daily – Flat. Broke out to the upside after a move above the January Median Line at 2350.  Trade pressures are up.  Volumes are bullish.

Rallied to the 2390 level into the weekend. The next target up is 2414. The expected overbought level has risen to 2380, so some conflict here.

A close below 2380 would signal lower. The expected oversold level has risen to 2313.



Weekly – Still in the December 2023 uptrend.  Trade pressures remain in the neutral zone.  Volumes are  bullish.

Daily –Long. In the move up from the 29.51 break on 7/1. Trade pressures are up  Volumes are bullish.

The next target up is 33.37.  Overbought levels are 33.17.

A close below 30.90 would signal lower.  Oversold levels are 29.61.