South Ocean Level One


A FREE registration, Level One is designed to give you access to the S&P 500 category of posts. This access should allow the subscriber to see the S&P 500 market Entry and Exit levels; and the style and process should become evident. The weekly post give levels that should be timely enough that subscribers may take action, if they wish.  

This Level One is for the Trader who wants to get familiar with the South Ocean style while gaining some confidence in the method.


South Ocean Level Two


This Level Two subscription has been suspended. All access is free for now.

Each week South Ocean will produce an analysis of the Metals, Oil & Gas, the Dollar and the 30 year Treasury Bonds to both provide trade levels for those futures contracts and to understand the pressures on the equities market that are affected by those futures markets. 

Pick a time in the past where you know the market made some big moves and visit the archives to see how the South Ocean method fared at that time. 


South Ocean does produce entry and exit levels and will follow such setups to a conclusion. And a weekly digest of the the posts during the week will be sent to registered users.

South Ocean calls these “Virtual Trades” and may, or may not, actually enter into these trades. The expected results of these Virtual trades can be viewed in Trading Results 

While you can follow these trades, you are responsible for your own trading. Please learn and understand the risks of trading futures.

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